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Annah Stretton Kindness Queen

Karen Spencer

24 Jul 2020
Karen Spencer

Nomination for Kindness Queen I would like to nominate Karen Spencer of Ngaruawahia She used to be a Teacher Aide at Fraser High School before she got breast cancer. I only met her after my son Carl died in 2003. Her son and mine were good friends at school and Karen knew him from school too. She was such a comfort to me. She often talks to me about Carl when others prefer not to mention his name. She always visits his gravestone when she visits her family that has passed on there too. Karen does not go to 'work' now but she is still helping others. Her grandson has Downs Syndrome and learning needs. Karen and her husband are always there for him and others. Karen is a 'cup-full' person. She stayed optimistic during her cancer treatment even though she lost all her hair. (It has re-grown now). She does not dwell upon what she does not have but remains optimistic and cheerful. A fantastic sense of humor. Karen is an awesome candidate for your Kindness Queen award.

- Annette Young

23rd July 2020

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