Spring officially starts on September the 1st – but it is never too early to ‘spring clean’ your wardrobe. With the imminent release of the new Spring/Summer collections NOW is a good time to start looking at what you are going to carry over for another season, and what you need to add to your wardrobe.
Now is the to get rid of the clothes that are old, torn, or those buying mistakes – the dresses you bought that were just wrong when you got them home. A good rule of thumb is two years – if you have something in your wardrobe for two years, and you have never worn it – then it deserves to go to a better place. That top you thought would fit you if you lost a couple of kilos, the pants you thought would go with your favourite winter jacket but turned out to be the wrong colour – give them to your sister or a friend, or send them to charity – these pieces are just taking up valuable wardrobe space.
Your summer wardrobe should reflect the colours of the season – get rid of all those dull blacks, browns and greys – summer is the time to be happy and vibrant. Bright colours are right on trend, and all the colours of the rainbow are featured on the catwalks this year. A background of white is the perfect foil for the bright summer hues of lime green, fuchsia pink and bright daffodil yellow, but if you prefer to err on the side of caution, try mixing these colours with a background of navy – much softer than wearing black.
Follow these basic tips to be summer ready –
· Clean out your wardrobe
· Make a list of what you need to purchase
· Go online and research your favourite designers.
· Choose quality over quantity, especially for key pieces.
· Buy only pieces that you love.
· Buy at least two pairs of sunglasses – you are bound to leave one pair in the back of an Uber.